Logo dc.on Deckert Consult Management consulting Construction management Construction operations

History, company foundation and executive management

After 22 years in management and leadership with large German and Austrian construction groups, I founded Deckert Consult GmbH in May 2020. Now, after several years in interesting projects with companies and public clients in the fields of construction, infrastructure and energy, I am very much looking forward to continue on this path with customers, employees and partners with a lot of passion and commitment.

With Deckert Consult GmbH I can offer my clients in the construction industry services that optimally combine the client’s objectives and my core competencies: Analysis, consulting and active implementation to become better as a company in the long run.

With the services that are offered, customers can be advised once or several times, project-related and also long-term.

Target group of Deckert Consult are all parties involved in construction, nationally and internationally:

  • the public construction sector (federal, state, local authorities, offices and agencies, railway infrastructure operators, road construction authorities, etc.).
  • Construction companies from small and medium-sized companies to construction groups.
  • planning offices.
  • subcontractors.
  • suppliers.

Deckert Consult GmbH is represented by me as managing partner. I manage the company free from third party interests. There are no personal or business connections to other companies. Thus Deckert Consult GmbH is exclusively obliged to its clients on client or contractor side and acts accordingly as responsible service provider.